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Saclà celebrates 80 years: thanking the Earth

The #ThanksPlanet project to protect the "Lung of the World", the Amazon rainforest

For its 80th anniversary, Saclà, in addition to choosing low environmental impact production, disposal and transport methods daily, felt compelled to do something more to thank the Earth.

Hence the #ThanksPlanet campaign, in collaboration with LifeGate aims to involve and raise awareness of sustainability in the community. Therefore, this partnership has allowed us to take part in the “Foreste in Piedi” initiative and safeguard one million square meters of the Amazon rainforest for one year.

The mechanics of the campaign

The campaign took place through social media. The goal was to
raise awareness among as many users as possible with messages of thanks to the Earth. The campaign’s goal was to reach 5,000,000 interactions (likes, comments, shares) of the content that Saclà created. Having achieved this result, Saclà started its project to safeguard 1,000,000 square meters of the Amazon forest for one year.

The campaign began with a high-impact teaser operation "a land artist created an impressive piece of writing" that allowed us to talk about the Earth....with the Earth.

Children are our future, which is why they were the first ambassadors of the #Thanksplanet project: here is one of the videos of the campaign that saw them as protagonists, with the spontaneity and freshness that distinguish them, in thanking the Earth and the people in their way its fruits.

Through photos, posts, messages or simple shares bloggers, influencers and instagrammers have joined the "Thank you Earth!" helping to spread a message of sustainability.

Over 5 million interactions have been in less than 3 months, establishing that ours was not just a social campaign but a concrete commitment to be 
implemented. Here are the numbers obtained:

The project involved the Italian non-profit organization ICEI and the Brazilian non-profit organization AVIVE and the community of San Pedro, where 27 families live, about 150 people including men, women, and children. The place where this community lives can only be reached by river as there are no roads. They have always lived there with little, in a subsistence economy.
Thanks to Sacla’s project, many of them have actively 
taken part in forest surveillance activities, in mapping the forest resources and in awareness-raising activities aimed at preventing and combating deforestation, 
arson, illegal hunting and other environmental crimes.


A “Thank you Earth” which has earned prestigious awards, including:

  • the Guido Carli award presented to Chiara Ercole in front of leading figures in the cultural and economic fields including Piero Angela, Toni Capuozzo, Luigi Gubitosi (former RAI general manager), the ambassador Pasquale Terracciano, the scientist Mauro Ferrari, Remo Ruffini, president of Moncler, Enzo Benigni, CEO of Electronics and Luca Maestri, Apple’s manager.
  • the Brand Communication award promoted by Touchpoint Award.
    Touch Point Awards is the recognition dedicated to the best projects in numerous areas related to communication, the Digital World, Experience Design, Loyalty, and Influencer Marketing. This award positively assessed the effectiveness of the various touchpoints used for the #ThanksPlanet project, thus appreciating all the activities carried out aimed at the participation of the reference target and the construction of a solid visual brand identity.


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Saclà celebrates 80 years: thanking the Earth